在杜, sustainability is more than just a set of guidelines for using less energy 和 preserving resources — it's a philosophy that shapes how we imagine the future of our campus 和 our world. As the global focus on climate change 和 the environment has evolved to focus more on questions of equity 和 justice, we've 工作ed to keep up with the discussion 和 create connections with the communities disproportionately impacted by shifting ecosystems, making social justice the lens through which we view all of our sustainability 工作.
穿过校园, 我们与学生互动, 工作人员 和 faculty to create an integrated plan toward a healthier future for the environment, leaning on the passion of our scholars to drive conservation projects 和 vital research that will inform world-changing solutions. We're partnering with local government 和 community organizations to bring new initiatives to campus 和 beyond. 采取措施减少废物, 节能, 可持续食物采购, 和 other issues alongside innovative academic programming to shape the next generation of environmental advocates, we're leading the way in sustainability among institutions of higher learning.
作为本科生学生会的一员, the 可持续性 Committee provides funding for innovative sustainability improvements, engaging events 和 professional development opportunities for undergraduate 学生. The SusCom budget is funded by a $16 per student per year Green Fee, 哪些学生在2006年投票评估自己.
The 可持续发展委员会 was the first group on campus truly focused on creating sustainable change at DU. 由充满激情和知识渊博的教师提供动力, 工作人员, 学生, 和管理员, the Council meets quarterly to discuss broad strategies for reaching our campus sustainability goals now 和 in the future."
在杜 we believe that “sustainability” means 工作ing together to create a world where ecosystems 和 societies can thrive. 大挑战 (DUGC) recognizes that communities thrive when each of has what we need to fully live, 工作, 和 participate in the social fabric that holds us all together. DUGC brings faculty, 工作人员, 学生 和 regional community leaders together to advance this 愿景.
MG线上电子游戏挑战带来了师资力量, 工作人员 和 学生 together with diverse regional community leaders in DUGC集体影响队列 to carry out initiatives that spark systematic positive change. Four DUGC Cohorts now focus on achieving different results. DUGC城市可持续发展队列, this desired result is: “The Denver region supports just, 包容, 和 thriving communities where people 和 nature flourish.